This post consists of a guide to writing your own Invitation Letter for immigration and a sample Affidavit of support and guarantee for checking out relatives abroad. This is for Filipino travelers.
As of 2017, there are over 2.3 million overseas Filipino workers and over 10 million people of Filipino descent living and working abroad. That’s one of the greatest diaspora populations in the world. Ask any of the people in your circle and there’s a big chance that they have a relative or a pal abroad. In my case, I already lost count lots of years ago.
Hence, it’s no wonder that a terrific number of Filipinos intend to travel to another country for the sole purpose of checking out someone there. It’s also quite common for Filipinos to travel abroad to work or look for work, often illegally. In buy to secure Filipino travelers from human trafficking and other dangers abroad, the Bureau of immigration carry out strict measures. Offloading may be an inconvenience to others, but these dangers abroad are real. lots of Pinoys, especially those with limited capacity to support their trip, fall victim to certain employment scams abroad because they try to skirt around the ideal process.
The downside, of course, is that some travelers who are really just trying to travel for leisure or check out a pal or relative wrongly get offloaded too because they can’t verify the purpose of their trip. Thus, when you’re traveling to another country, it is crucial to have supporting papers including return ticket, proof of accommodations, and proof of employment or financial capacity. We already discussed them here: how to avoid Offloading.
In this article, however, we’ll focus on just one: the Letter of Invitation.
Mitä tässä oppaassa on katettu?
Who needs a Letter of Invitation?
What is an Invitation Letter?
What is an Affidavit of support with Undertaking?
Sample Affidavit of support with Undertaking
Can any individual sponsor my trip?
Does an Affidavit of support guarantee that I will NOT get offloaded?
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Who needs a Letter of Invitation?
Strictly speaking, if you’re checking out someone abroad, you need a Letter of Invitation.
The truth is, the immigration officer doesn’t always ask for this. I have been in and out of the country dozens of times over the past nine years. lots of of them, I declared that I was checking out my sister or a friend. Yet, I have been asked to present this paper only ONCE, and it wasn’t even my first trip abroad. It was so random. Haha.
So you see, you’ll never know when you would need this.
I also have pals who have been asked for this. a lot of of them were flying overseas for the first time in their lives to check out someone.
If you fall under any of the following, there is a higher chance that you will need to present an Invitation Letter:
You’re traveling for the first time.
You’re unemployed.
You can’t verify that you can financially afford the trip.
You’re checking out someone who isn’t an immediate family member.
You’re sponsored by someone else.
You’re inconsistent or too nervous when answering the immigration Officer’s questions, giving them a reason to doubt your real intention.
Again, it doesn’t indicate that if you belong to any of the above, you’ll automatically have to present an Invitation Letter. Sometimes, they still won’t ask for it. BUT, it’s a big BUT, it’s better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it.
What is an Invitation Letter?
What is a Letter of Invitation, really? Does the person to be checked out just need to write a letter describing why they’re inviting the visitor, sign it, send it, and that’s it?
Ei aivan.
Sometimes, that type of letter is accepted. The keyword phrase there is SOMETIMES. Sometimes, a signed letter describing the reason for the invitation and indicating the inviting party’s contact details is sufficient. but again, NOT ALWAYS.
According to a pal who is an immigration officer and the web site of the embassy of the Philippines in Singapore, the safest and a lot of legally accepted “Invitation Letter” is in the form of an Affidavit of support or guarantee (AOSG), often called Affidavit of support with Undertaking. This looks very much like a regular Invitation Letter — all the details are there — but written in a a lot more legal and formal manner. This need to also be authenticated by the Embassy.
What is an Affidavit of support with Undertaking?
The Affidavit of support with Undertaking is a legal paper that states that the inviter who is living abroad will carry the trip expenses of the visitor in part or in full, and that the visitor you will be under their responsibility during the stay in that country. It must consist of the following information:
the visitor’s personal information
the inviter’s personal information
the inviter’s legal status abroad (citizen, resident, momentary resident, etc.)
the inviter’s financial capacity
the details of the trip
the reason for the invitation
The paper need to be authenticated at the Philippine embassy in the inviter’s country. This is where they put a gold seal and red ribbon on the document.
If the affidavit is carried out in the Philippines, it need to be notarized. In one of my sister’s visits, she created one and had it notarized for a cousin whom she invited. She also made one for me before while she was here, and that’s what I presented that one time it was asked of me. The officer looked at it, read it, and let me through.
You must also present papers proving that the inviting party can afford to sponsor you. This may be bank certificates or tax documents.
If the inviting party is a corporation or organization, you need to also include the sponsor’s corporate registration details.
Sample Affidavit of support with Undertaking
Below is a sample Affidavit of support with Undertaking. You’ll also find a link through which you can download a Word (.docx) file, which you can edit. You can replace the highlighted parts with your own details.
Setting up fake worker failed: “Cannot load script at:”.
Once you have written an affidavit, you will need to have them authenticated, notarized, or both, depending on the case.
If the inviter is a Filipino based abroad, the inviter need to appear at the Philippine embassy personally to have the affidavit authenticated. They may have their own format of the affidavit and a list of other requirements (such as passport, citizen card or permit, certificate of employment, bank documents, etc,). Hence, it’s best to give the embassy a call first.
If the inviter is not a Filipino citizen, the inviter need to first have the paper notarized outside of the Philippine embassy before having it authenticated at the embassy. For example, if the inviter is a Japanese citizen, they need to have notarized it first at a Japanese notary public then have it authenticated or stamped locally. only then can the paper be submitted to the Philippine embassy for its own authentication (red ribbon). Each country may have their own additional rules, requirements, processes, and fees.
If the affidavit is carried out in the Philippines, it need to be notarized. In one of my sister’s visits, she created one and had it notarized for a cousin whom she invited. She also made one for me before while she was here, and that’s what I presented that one time it was asked of me. The officer looked at it, read it, and let me through.
Can any individual sponsor my trip?
According to the guidelines ON departure FORMALITIES FOR INTERNATIONAL-BOUND PASSENGERS IN ALL AIRPORTS and SEAPORTS IN THE COUNTRY, issued by the Bureau of Immigration, the inviter/sponsor and the visitor must be within fourth degree of consanguinity or affinity (up to first cousins by blood or marriage). For the purpose of discussion, let’s call relatives within fourth degree of consanguinity or affinity as “CLOSE RELATIVES”.
Sometimes, the immigration Officers allow those sponsored by someone who is not a close relative to go through but it’s a lot more the exception than the rule.
Some embassies and consulates authenticate affidavits submitted by someone who is not a close relative, but others don’t. (The Philippine Consulate in Hong Kong recently announced they won’t be authenticating letters for those inviting pals or distant relatives.)
And even if they do, it doesn’t indicate that it will be accepted by the immigration Officer. The Embassy’s job is simply to authenticate. The Immigration’s job is to be the gatekeepers. That said, even if the sponsor is not a close relative, it is still better to have this paper than nothing.
Note that this post generally focuses on travelers sponsored by someone based abroad. If you’re sponsored by a FILIPINO traveling WITH YOU, you need to still produce an Affidavit of support with Undertaking consisting of the following details:
Sponsor’s financial capacity
Sponsor’s undertaking for your vacationer travel with intent to return
Sponsor’s complete residential address and contact details
Sponsor’s corporate registration papers, if applicable
You must also present papers proving that the inviting party can afford to sponsor you. This may be bank certificates or tax documents.
More often, though, if the sponsor is a Filipino relative and is traveling with the sponsored, the officer does not ask for it. but if you want to make sure, better have it ready.
Does an Affidavit of support guarantee that I will NOT get offloaded?
EI. It doesn’t guarantee anything. You can have it and still get offloaded.
It all depends on the assessment of the immigration Officer. It is based on lots of aspects including the details of that letter, your other documents, and your demeanor when answerinG heidän kysymyksensä. Vakuutuslausuman saaminen auttaa sinua vakuuttamaan upseerin. Se voi auttaa, mutta ei takaa.
On myös turvallista saada kopio suhteesta ja todisteita siitä, että kutsujalla on varaa tukea sinua. Nämä voivat olla todistuksia työ- tai pankkiasiakirjoista.
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