Whether you’re applying for a Japan vacationer Visa or a see Visa, the very first thing you requirement to do is to get hold of a copy of the application type as well as fill it out appropriately. You can get a copy from the company where you will be applying. however if you want to take care of it before you go to the agency, you can download a copy of the application type below with instructions.
Download the type here
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How to fill Out Japan Visa Application Form
First, a few crucial reminders.
Complete the type either by hand or electronically. Either is accepted. If you go the hand-written route, make sure that you compose in block letters as well as that they are readable.
In fields that don’t apply to you, compose NA. Don’t leave any type of field blank.
Print the type in an A4-size paper. other sizes will be rejected.
Paste a picture on the designated area. PASTE! DO NOT STAPLE! The picture need to have been taken within the past 6 months.
Use a black pen or font. Do not utilize pencil or one of those erasable pens.
Avoid erasures! If it can’t be helped, utilize double line (2 strikethroughs). If there are as well lots of erasures, begin over. never ever utilize modification tape or liquid.
Here are some parts of the type that you may have concerns about. For the function of explanation, I submitted the type in huge blue letters just to make it obvious. however when you total your form, utilize BLACK.
Given as well as middle names: compose both your provided name as well as your middle name (your mom’s last name).
Other names: If you have a pen name or nickname or if you’re understood by any type of other name, compose it down. If none, compose N/A.
Place of birth: If you have no province as well as you’re born in Metro Manila, compose METRO MANILA. For example, if you were born in Makati, write: Makati, Metro Manila, Philippines.
Former and/or other nationalities or citizenships: only if you have one. compose N/A if you have none.
ID No. issued to you by your government: any type of government-issued ID will do. I have tried utilizing UMID. My cousin utilized Driver’s License. A few times, I composed the passport number right here too, I didn’t have any type of problem.
Passport type: Ordinary.
Passport number: double check. Make sure it’s correct.
Place of issue: You can compose the city name. In the situation of Manila, you can compose MANILA. You can likewise be specific. I normally compose DFA NCR EAST, since that’s what’s on my passport.
Issuing authority: DFA.
Purpose of see to Japan: If applying as a tourist, compose TOURISM. If you’re checking out a good friend or family, compose see FRIEND/FAMILY.
Intended length of stay in Japan: number of days including the day of arrival.
Port of entry into Japan: name of the airport. It can be Kansai, Narita, Chitose, etc.
Name of ship or airline: just the name of the airline or the ship. It doesn’t matter if you’re already booked or not. If you’re concerned about funds, compose a affordable provider like CEBU PACIFIC or JETSTAR.
Names as well as addresses of hotels or persons with whom applicant means to stay: If applying as a tourist, compose down the name, address as well as telephone number of your hotel. If you don’t understand the precise address or telephone number of your hotel, Google it! If applying to see somebody in Japan, compose their name, address, as well as get in touch with number.
Dates as well as duration of previous stays in Japan. compose N/A if it’s your very first time in Japan. If you’ve been to Japan before compose the inclusive dates of your previous sees as well as the number of days. If you’ve been to Japan lots of times as well as it won’t fit, utilize a separate sheet as well as suggest it on the form.
Your present residential address: If you have a lot more than one address, listing them all on a separate sheet.
Telephone number: If you don’t have a landline number, compose N/A.
Current occupation or profession as well as position: Be truthful! If your present profession or setting doesn’t match the ITR you’re submitting (for example, you transferred to one more company), you can compose a letter describing it.
Partner’s profession/occupation: If you’re single as well as of legal age, compose N/A. If you’re married, compose the occupation of your partner. If for a minor, compose the occupation or profession of parents.
Guarantor/Inviter Info: If you’re applying as a vacationer as well as you’re shouldering all expenses, compose N/A in all of the fields. If you have a guarantor, compose their details. If the guarantor is the exact same as the inviter, compose exact same AS above in the INVITER fields.
If you responded to “Yes” to any type of of the above questioNS, toimittakaa asianmukaisia yksityiskohtia: Jos olet vastannut NO: een kaikkiin kysymyksiin, muodosta n/a.
Allekirjoitus: Ilmoita se käsin. En ole varma, hyväksytäänkö digitaaliset allekirjoitukset, mutta kyseenalaistan sen. Jos hakija on vähäinen, vanhempi tai laillinen huoltaja voi allekirjoittaa, mutta yhteys on ehdotettava allekirjoituksen alapuolella.
Muut Japanin viisumin vaatimukset
Jos haluat nähdä muut vaatimukset, katso tämä sivu: Japan Visa -vaatimukset
Usein Kysytyt Kysymykset
1. Takaajani sijaitsee Filippiineillä, ei Japanissa. Pitäisikö minun laatia takaajan yksityiskohdat kentällä ”Japanin takaaja tai suositus”?
Tämä on hämmentävä osa. Matkayrityksillä on erilaiset otteet.
Viimeksi kun kysyimme Reli -retkiä, he totesivat kyllä, vaikka takaaja perustuu Japanin ulkopuolelle, sinun on silti säilytettävä heidän yksityiskohdat ”takaaja tai suositus Japanissa”. He ovat ehkä muuttaneet asenteensa, mutta juuri sen he ilmoittivat viime kerralla.
Mutta jotkut yritykset, kuten Attic Retki
On varma, että ehdotan jättää ne tyhjiksi väliaikaisesti ja kysyä yritykseltä, mitä tehdä, kun on aika lähettää hakemuksesi. Jos he käskevät sinun mennä takaajan yksityiskohtiin, tee niin ihanteellinen siellä samoin kuin sitten. Jos he väittävät, että n/a, tee se sitten.
Tai voit soittaa nimetylle yritykselle, jossa aiot jättää hakemuksesi etukäteen.
2. Onko kaikki paperit tulostaa A4-kokoiselle paperille, mukaan lukien ITR ja pankkitodistus?
Asiakirjojen, joita sinulla on hallinnassa, oleskelun, sovellustyypin tai jopa COE: n on oltava A4.
Kokemukseni mukaan olen lähettänyt ITR: n painettuna laillisen koon ja pankkitodistuksen kirjeen koosta, mutta ne kaikki hyväksyttiin riippumatta. En kuitenkaan ole varma, onko kyseessä edelleen tilanne nyt vai onko niin aina.
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