NATIONAL museum OF natural history in MANILA: guide for First-Timers

2021 • 10 • 29

Here’s our guide to the national museum OF natural history in Manila. This includes info on the opening hours, closing days, as well as entrance fees, in addition to some tips to make the most out of your stay! Nauttia!

Museums play a huge function in reminding us of exactly how we grow as a people. with arts, installations, as well as valuable artifacts, they awaken our wish to understand more about our rich culture, our history, as well as our environment, which make up our national identity.

One of the most prominent museums in the country is the national museum of natural History, which was officially opened to the public in may 2018. found in Rizal Park, it is part of the national museum complex which boasts three other attractions: the national museum of fine Arts, the national museum of Anthropology, as well as the national Planetarium.

Completed in the 1940s, it was formerly called Agriculture as well as commerce Building. before it ended up being the national museum of natural History, the building utilized to be the headquarters of the department of tourism up until 2015.

We just recently had the chance to lastly visit! right here are some tips to make your time inside the museum smooth as well as hassle-free!


Who can see the museum under the new Normal?
New typical security Guidelines
What are the operating hours under the new Normal?
What are the routine operating hours of the national museum of natural History?
How much is a ticket?
When is the very best time to visit?
Can we see without prior reservation?
Where to reserve slots for huge groups?
How do we get in?
What are the attractions inside the national museum of natural History?
What are the top attractions?
How do I make the most of my visit?
What are the rules as well as regulations?
How to get to the national museum of natural history in Manila?
What are other close-by attractions?
Other Tips
Where to stay in ManilaSearch for more Manila Hotels!

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Who can see the museum under the new Normal?

These are the people enabled to see the museum:

Visitors 15 years old as well as above

Persons with disabilities

Fully vaccinated individuals. proof of vaccination (Vaccination Card or Vaccination Certificate) must be presented.

TÄRKEÄ! All visitors must present a valid ID showing the birthdate of the cardholder.

New typical security Guidelines

Walk-in visitors are not allowed. For the security of everyone, the number of visitors will be restricted to a maximum of 100 per session, so those who want to see must very first secure a slot. There are two sessions per day: morning as well as afternoon.

Prior on the internet booking or on the internet pre-booking is mandatory. You requirement to book your slot/s at least someday before your visit. You may pre-book your see here. wait on the e-mail confirmation of your booking.

You may select private booking or group reservation, whichever is applicable to you. note that for group reservations, only a maximum of five (5) persons are permitted.

A thermal/temperature scan is needed upon entry. Those with a body temperature of 37.5 as well as above will not be enabled to go into the premises.

Visitors showing COVID-19 symptoms will not be permitted inside the building.

Visitors must achieve a health and wellness statement type before entering the museum. You may do this on the internet with StaySafePH mobile app.

Visitors must wear their deal with masks as well as deal with shields at all times when inside the museum.

Visitors must observe social distancing. Those who do not belong to the exact same home must keep a distance of two (2) meters from each other.

What are the operating hours under the new Normal?

As of June 2021, the present opening hours are the following:

Tuesday – Sunday

9:00 AM – 12:00 PM (Morning Session)
Cut-Off Time: 11:00 AM

1:00 PM – 4:00 PM (Afternoon Session)
Cut-Off Time: 3:00 PM

The museum is closed on Mondays.

Note: The number of museum visitors will be restricted to as much as 100 only PER SESSION. Meaning, 100 slots for the morning session as well as one more 100 slots for the afternoon session.

What are the routine operating hours of the national museum of natural History?

Tuesday-Sunday, 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM. It’s closed on Mondays.

How much is a ticket?

It’s free for all. Filipinos, foreigners, students, adults, children. All can see without paying anything.

When is the very best time to visit?

Under the new Normal, those who want to see the museum must pre-book on the internet at least someday before the favored schedule. There’s a limit of as much as 100 visitors only PER SESSION, so the foot web traffic is controlled. note that walk-in visitors will not be permitted.

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, expect weekends to be much more packed than weekdays. since the entrance chaRGE: stä luopuu, se voi tulla melko tungosta. Hyvät ystävät sekä kotitaloudet parveilevat museoihin joko lauantaina tai sunnuntaina, kun luokkaa ei ole niin ja ei ole työtä. Jono voi venyttää rakennuksen ulkopuolelle, portaita alas.

Jotta väkijoukko estää, mene aamulla varsinkin jos aiot nähdä kaksi muuta kansallismuseota ja kansallista planetaariota.

Voimmeko nähdä ilman ennakkovarausta?

Uuden normaalin alla: Ei. Vaadit jälleen kerran Internetissä vähintään päivää ennen vierailua.

Ennen pandemiaa: Kyllä! Kävelyjä rohkaistaan. Älä vain mene, kun museo on lähellä sulkemisaikaaan. Vaikka museo sulkeutuu klo 17.00, vaadit olemaan siellä vähintään tunti ennen sulkemista nähdäksesi kaiken ja arvostat niitä kokonaan. Siellä meneminen 30 minuuttia ennen sulkeutumista ei ole käytännöllistä, ellet ole mielessä kiirehtiminen lausunnolla, jonka mukaan museo sulkeutuu muutamassa minuutissa.
Suurille ryhmille, kuten akateemisten kenttäretkien tai yritysmatkojen/retkien suhteen, vaadit varausta ja kirjapaikkoja etukäteen. Yleensä hallinto ei mahdollista kenttämatkoja ja sellaisia ​​viikonloppuisin. Heidän rutiininsa yleensä syksy arkisin.

Missä varata lähtö- ja saapumisaikoja valtaville ryhmille?

Tässä on yhteydenpito kansallismuseon johdon yksityiskohtiin:

Varaus sekä varaus: 0966-3305931 (Globe) / 0929-4573286 (älykäs) / (02) 527-7889 (lankapuhelimen)
Teollisuuden kuvaamista/videokuvausta varten sähköposti:
Toimistoajat: klo 10–17 (tiistai – sunnuntai)

Kuinka pääsemme sisään?

Siirry rekisteröintialueelle. Jos jonossa on, odota vuoroasi.

Rekisteröi nimesi. Jos olet ryhmä, rekisteröi vain yksi nimi. Laske ryhmässäsi sekä miesten ja naisten kokonaismäärä ja säveltä se alas lokilevylle.

Talleta laukku yhdessä kaikkien kiellettyjen tuotteiden kanssa, jotka olet saattanut tuoda mukaasi, matkatavara.

Hanki matkatavaravakuutuksen numero. Älä menetä sitä.


Mitkä ovat luonnonhistoriallisen kansallismuseon nähtävyydet?

Elämän puu
Kansallisessa luonnonhistoriallisessa museossa on 6 kerrosta, joissa “elämänpuita” on atriumin keskipiste. Lokakuusta 2018 alkaen täällä ovat osiot lattiaa kohti:

Ensimmäinen kerros: Life Tree of Foyer (johdanto museoon), alemman sisäänkäynnin hallinto, alakohta, koulutus sekä toimintohallit, vierailijapalvelut

Toinen kerros: Galleria XI (luonnollinen perintömme), galleria XII (väliaikaiset näyttelyt), ylempi sisäänkäynti, ylempi piha, vastaanottohalli

Kolmas kerros: Galleria IX (mangroves, rannat ja vuorovesialueet), galleria X (The Marine Realm)

Neljäs kerros: Gallery V (Mossy, Montane ja Pine Forests), Gallery VI (matala ikivihreät sademetsät), galleria VII (Ultramafic sekä kalkkikivi karstimetsät – rakenteilla), galleria VIII (makean veden kosteikot)

Viides kerros (rakenteilla): Galleria I (Filippiinien biologinen monimuotoisuus), galleria II (Filippiinien geologia), galleria III (mineraalit ja energiaresurssit), galleria IV (elämä aika)

Kuudes kerros: kattopuutarha, toimintohallit, kansallismuseon seminaarikeskus

Mitkä ovat tärkeimmät nähtävyydet?

Lolongin luuranko

Elämän puu. Komentava arkkitehtoninen rakenne, joka koostuu kahdesta osasta-kupolista sekä DNA: n kaltaisesta rakenteesta. Kupoli toimii atriumin kattona, kun taas DNA: n kaltainen rakenne yhdistää kupolin atriumin maahan, joka näyttää puunrunalta. Itse hissi on vetovoima, joka tarjoaa erinomaisen näkymän museon eteiseen/atriumiin.

Toinen kerros: Lolong. Filippiinien suurimman krokotiilin (vankeudessa) luuranko, joka on koskaan tallennettu, roikkuu toisessa kerroksessa olevan vastaanottohallin katosta.

Galleria VI: Sademetsän diorama. Kävele sademetsän mini -kopion kanssa ja löydä maassa asuvista erityyppisistä tyypeistä. Tämä löytyy neljännestä kerroksesta.

Gallery IX: Mangrove Diorama. like the rainforest diorama, you can likewise walk with a few-meter square of mangrove diorama found on the third floor. See likewise the different creatures that thrive in them.

Gallery X: The Marine Realm. likewise discovered on the third floor, the marine realm gallery provides you an concept of exactly how “The Abyss” looks like, enables you to experience a snippet of boarding a submarine, as well as allows you to marvel at the life-size replicas of a whale shark as well as manta ray.

How do I make the most of my visit?

Life-size whale shark as well as dolphins
To finest experience as well as comprehend the screens as well as exhibits, here’s a trivia:

The screens are arranged per ecosystem: the upper floors showcase mountains as well as forests as well as the lower floors screen wetlands as well as the underwater realm. begin from top to bottom.

What are the rules as well as regulations?

Backpacks as well as bags bigger than a short bond paper (8.5in x 11in) must be deposited at the baggage counter.

Sinäcannot bring with you umbrellas, pens, as well as other markers. You should deposit them at the baggage counter.

Food as well as beverages are not enabled inside the museum.

Refrain from using caps, hats or bonnets.

Wrapped bundles are prohibited.

DO NOT TOUCH nor LEAN ON the museum objects, displays, as well as exhibits.

You can take photos, however you must abstain from utilizing the camera flash.

Taking videos is strictly prohibited.

Tripods as well as monopods are not allowed.

Disrespectful as well as goofy poses are not permitted.

Do not sit on the floors.

Tupakointi kielletty.

How to get to the national museum of natural history in Manila?

The national museum of natural history is found along Agrifina Circle, Rizal Park, T.M. Kalaw Street, corner general Luna Street, Manila.

Nearest train station: U.N. Avenue station (LRT 1)

From EDSA, trip the MRT to Taft Avenue Station.

Transfer to LRT 1. There’s a footbridge linking MRT Taft station to LRT 1 EDSA Station.

Board the train as well as alight at U.N. Avenue Station.

The museum is just a few minutes walk from the station.

What are other close-by attractions?

National museum of Anthropology (located just across the national museum of natural History)

National museum of fine Arts

National Planetarium

Luneta Park/Rizal Park

Other Tips

Wear comfortable garments as well as footwear.

Be there early. If you plan to do museum hopping. Make national museum of natural history as your very first stop. The people are still curious since it’s new, as well as it has features like interactive areas as well as discovering experience corners that make it more fascinating for kids. In short, it has a tendency to be packed with visitors than the other two museums within the complex.

Senior citizens, PWDs, expecting women, as well as kids 8 years old as well as below (with their parents or guardians) may utilize the lower entrance dealing with T.M. Kalaw Avenue if the upper entrance queue is as well long.

Aside from the atrium elevator, there’s one more elevator near the staircase.

Every floor has its own restroom.

Aside from the elevators as well as the stairs, you can likewise utilize the ramp to get to every floor.


Please checked out the warning signs. strictly comply with the rules as well as guidelines at all times.

Fall in line as well as wait on your turn. Be courteous as well as respect other people’s time as well as space.

Parents as well as adults should supervise the kids while inside the museum.

Don’t be as well loud. Tone down your voice.

Respect the place. Do not litter nor vandalize.

Where to stay in Manila

If you’re not from Manila as well as would like to spend the night at a hotel, right here are the top choices as scored by Agoda customers.

Casa Bocobo Hotel. picture furnished by Agoda

The Luneta Hotel. inspect rates & Availability! ✅

Casa Bocobo Hotel. inspect rates & Availability! ✅

RedDoorz near SM Manila. inspect rates & Availability! ✅

Hotel Juliano. inspect rates & Availability! ✅

Bayview Park Hotel. inspect rates & Availability! ✅

Best Western hotel La Corona Manila. inspect rates & Availability! ✅

White Knight hotel Intramuros. inspect rates & Availability! ✅

Search for more Manila Hotels!

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