“I believe we’re going to fly to Germany from Thailand”, announced our good friend Jarryd.
Our response?
“We’ll book our flight as well as satisfy you there”!
After wondering where we must choose 13 days between Malta as well as the Caribbean, we lastly have a plan of action.
We are Berlin bound!
Museum Island! (Image by means of en.wikipedia.org)
Berlin is a destination that we’ve wished to travel to for lots of years. It’s really a location that we believed we would online as digital nomads one day. There’s so much going on in Berlin – it’s a city with an underground music / club scene; a location for the “hipsters” as well as art lovers; a foodie’s paradise; as well as of course, a top area for history as well as culture buffs.
With underground nightclubs (literally, they’re below ground), the graffiti-painted Berlin Wall, an island of museums, abandoned buildings as well as quirky neighbourhoods, we’re sure that booking our flight there will verify to be a great choice.
We are looking ahead to seeing the Berlin Wall! (Image by: pixabay.com)
The city of Berlin itself has tons to offer us travellers, however there are many day trips that we’re thinking about as well. even though we only have 1 week in the city, we believe we’ll have time to head out of Berlin as well as check out a few of the surrounding areas.
In particular, we’re planning to rent a cars and truck to see the city of Leipzig, which is about 2 hours away as well as is understood for its culture, arts, music, as well as the second oldest coffee shop in Europe! As we are coffee lovers, we’re absolutely going to inspect that out.
Oh ya, we like coffee
We’re likewise believing about heading to Dresden, which is 2.5 hours away. This city utilized to be understood as the Florence of the Elbe because of its gorgeous collection of art as well as architecture. Sadly, much of the city was destroyed by WWII bombings, however obviously a great deal of restoration has been completed as well as the city has returned to its lovely self again.
We liked Florence, as well as I’m sure we’ll be surprised by Dresden.
If Dresden is anything like Florence, we’ll like it!
Finally, we’ve heard that Potsdam is a prominent trip from Berlin, as well as it’s only a 45 minute drive away. up until 1918, Potsdam was house to the Kaiser as well as Prussian Kings, which indicates that there are some charming palaces as well as formal gardens. But, I believe we’re a lot of looking ahead to inspecting out the Sanssouci Castle!
Hämmästyttävä! Sanssouci Castle (Image Credit: https://www.flickr.com/photos/wolfgangstaudt/)
Renting a cars and truck is always a great deal of fun. Our recent road trips in Macedonia, Croatia as well as Albania were incredible, as it enabled us to get off the beaten path, as well as provided us flexibility to go where we wanted, when we wanted.
Driving in Germany will most likely seem like a piece of cake after the interesting road conditions we withstood while road-tripping around Albania. Although, understanding us, I’m sure that we’ll still handle to get lost!
Getting to Berat, Albania was difficult, however worth the crazy journey
Apart from checking out the special city of Berlin as well as surrounding areas, we’re a lot more than a bit ecstatic to satisfy up with our good friends ?
As full-time travellers, our friendships are rather fleeting. We satisfy people, we take pleasure in their business for a few days, weeks, or months, as well as then we state goodbye.
Saying goodbye to good friends is never easy…but it’s excellent to satisfy up again!
It can be tough to part methods with people that we’ve shared some excellent times with, however since we’ve satisfied people from all around the world, it’s truly interesting when we can message them as well as state “Hey, we’re pertaining to see you”!
In the situation of Berlin, that person is Henrik.
If you’ve been complying with our blogging journey considering that it very first began method back in 2012, you may keep in mind this ukulele-playing character. We satisfied Henrik during our month spent backpacking around Mozambique, as well as he truly enriched our travels there.
We’ve stayed in get in touch with with Henrik considering that we split ways as well as are truly looking ahead to satisfying up with him again, as well as it just so occurs that he just recently transferred to BErlin. Täydellinen!
Hyvä ystävämme Henrik, joka pelaa ukulelea kyläläisille Quirimbas Islandilla
Ihmisillä, joita tyydyttävät tiellä (sekä alueelliset että ulkomaiset), on todella vaikutus kokemuksiimme. He voivat liittyä matkalle, koska he auttoivat sen muokkaamiseen – naurulla, kyyneleillä, etsinnällä ja seikkailuilla.
Olemme onnekkaita, että meillä on ystäviä, jotka voimme todeta “Hei, pidä mielessä, kun me…”?!
Hei Henrik… Muista, kun hajotimme Mohambikissa tyhjästä keskellä?!
Odotamme eteenpäin muistaaksemme aikamme Mosambikissa Henrikin kanssa. Vietimme melkein 3 viikkoa hänen kanssaan ja meillä oli joitain melko uskomattomia seikkailuja – snorklausta valaanhaiden kanssa, sukeltaminen rypälevalaaleilla, reunustaminen etelästä pohjoiseen, samoin kuin purjehtiminen autioilla saarilla ja leiriytymällä niihin!
Täsmälleen sama pätee Jarrydiin ja Aleshaan, on erinomaista kiinni heistä ja keskustella Plovdivissä, Bulgariassa, Istanbulin World Tourism -foorumin hulluissa tapahtumissa, samoin kuin tietysti meidän Jaetut ammatit – Travel Blogging!
Vuokramme todella asunnon tai huoneiston näiden kahden kanssa, ja olen varma, että saamme yhtä paljon kuin jotkut Schenanigans Berliinissä yhdessä.
Odotamme eteenpäin tyydyttämään Jarryd ja Alesha!
Etelästä pohjoiseen (suoraan varis lentää) 27.
Se on ollut poikkeuksellinen kaksi kuukautta, samoin kuin toivomme pian, että henkilö, joka on pian, pystymme yhdistämään täällä teemme hyvien ystävien kanssa, ja uskomme takaisin hauskoihin aikoihimme yhdessä: ”Hei, pidä mielessä kun me…”?!
Videoidemme lisäksi emme ole julkaissut paljon Maltasta blogissa, mutta se on tulossa pian. Aiomme tuottaa perusteellisia oppaita, matkustaa ohjeet, kuva-esseitä sekä kaikki muut, joten pysy kuulolla. Tämä blogi on pakattu täynnä tietoja tämän jonkin verran eurooppalaisen maan tarkistamisesta.
Hei, pidä mielessä, kun meillä oli BBQ luolassa?!
Jos sinulla on minkäänlaista Berliinin ideoita ja neuvoja, näytä meille! Tarjoa meille hienoimmat päiväretket, rakastetut ravintolat, pakolliset ja välttämättömät ravintolat!
*Lyijykuva: Pixabay
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